Yes of the CGIA to the minimum wage by law, provided it is measured by the TEC If the minimum wage of 9 euros gross per hour were introduced by law, according to the CGIA there could be a serious danger of seeing irregular work increase in the country, in particular in sectors where currently the minimum wages are much lower [...]

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Contrasting the "black" also increases the minimum wage The army of undeclared workers present in Italy knows no crisis. According to the latest available data referring to the beginning of 2020, there were 3,2 million irregular workers in Italy. In absolute terms, the North is the area of ​​the country with the highest number of irregular workers equal to [...]

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Minimum wage by law at € 9 gross per hour? No need, it's already there. If we also count the liquidation (or TFR), an institution that among the large European countries is present only in Italy, in the National Collective Labor Agreements (CCNL) signed by the main employer and trade union associations, the hourly wage is already higher today [ ...]

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If applied, would the 5stelle proposal cost artisans at least 1,5 billion Minimum hourly wage of 9 euros gross by law? No thanks. Already today in the main national labor contracts for the craft sector - which have the lowest wage levels among all the economic sectors present in the country - the minimum hourly thresholds [...]

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