The President of ABI, Antonio Patuelli, and the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government for the 2016 earthquake reconstruction, Giovanni Legnini, sent a letter with joint signature to the Prime Minister and the competent Ministers to request the urgent adoption of the extension of the suspension of installments of mortgages and other loans relating to buildings still uninhabitable after [...]

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From tomorrow it will be possible to return to transit on the former state road 209 "Valnerina" in the municipality of Visso, on the Umbrian-Marche border, where the earthquake of 30 October had distorted the hydrogeological structure of the entire slope causing the collapse of part of the rocky ridge and diverting the course of the Black River. The news was made official in the presence of [...]

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The operational phase of definitive restoration of the roads hit by the earthquake in Central Italy continues. Anas has published eight other calls for tenders in the Official Gazette for the award of works with an 'accelerated open procedure' for a total value of over 26 million euros in addition to the others published in recent days for a total of [...]

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The number of victims of the earthquake that hit Iran and Iraq is destined to rise. This was stated by the ambassador of Italy to Iran, Claudio Conciatori, in an interview with TG2000, speaking of the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that devastated the area on the border of the two countries, reported that the latest update [... ]

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