(by Rosangela Cesareo, Aidr Institutional Relations Manager) Eleven sessions in two years of the Education commission with neuropsychiatrists and pedagogues gave this result: “Exposure to cell phones causes myopia and obesity. Addiction, depression, aggression, insomnia“. The consequence of this fact-finding investigation was the ministerial circular of last December 19 that Minister Valditara sent to [...]

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According to an online security company, Islamic State supporters, most of them Persians, were spied on by the Iranian government through two smartphone applications containing, one, images of ISIS-themed wallpapers that users could download on their devices, the other, a counterfeit version of the Firat News application [...]

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Alex Zanardi - BMW Brand Ambassador, Olympic medalist and official BMW Motorsport driver - has launched an appeal about the importance of always being attentive to driving, avoiding all those distractions caused today by excessive use of the smartphone. «Today, these objects here - says Alex in the campaign video referring to smartphones - have become an addiction. [...]

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James Mattis, American Defense Minister, wants to ban the use of cell phones in the Pentagon, in analogy with what was decided for the West Wing of the Biancan House. What worries the US Minister of Defense are the reports on security, which would have been put at risk by a fitness application in which the [...]

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A malicious virus has been found to have turned smartphones running Android into spy devices that for years allowed “someone” to steal data from millions of users of all types, including military, activists and government officials. His name is Pallas and the hacker group that [...]

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The smartphone market is booming: at the end of the third quarter of 2017, another 373 million devices were placed on the market, with an increase in shipments of 3 percent compared to the previous year. According to what was recorded by IDC, Samsung continues to dominate the scene, with more than 83 million [...]

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What will the average Italian look like in 2050? It is not easy to predict, but it will almost certainly not 'see long'. Just look at today's children and adolescents, perpetually absorbed in their devices. They will be the short-sighted adults of tomorrow. A question of evolution of the species, which sees what experts define as 'homo-smartphone' making its way. "Within […]

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Giovanni Biggio, Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at the University of Cagliari (Unica), on 28 October in Rome, at the conference "Narration, trauma and health: from the individual to society" will talk about how "Sleep deprivation is putting a condition of great stress the brain of many children and adolescents "and will illustrate what are" The new forms of [...]

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The dependence that a smartphone creates is, of course, proportional to the daily use that is made of this tool. It is undeniable that a smartphone makes life easier, both because it allows navigation and consultation online wherever you are, and because, with its apps, it allows us, for example, to use the satellite navigator [...]

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