Valditara: "Stop violence in schools"

"Teachers and staff will be defended by state lawyers"

The Minister of Education and Merit: "To protect the dignity of teachers and school workers, the State will guarantee them representation in civil and criminal matters".

Following the recent, alarming increase in episodes of violence against teachers and school staff within institutions, the Ministry of Education and Merit, faced with cases of this type, will request the State Attorney General of represent teachers and school workers in civil and criminal proceedings. The novelty is contained in a circular issued by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, sent today to all schools.

Minister Valditara's decision is motivated by the need to protect the professional dignity and safety of teachers and staff: “I will always be on the side of attacked teachers. Our priority is to restore responsibility, serenity and respect in schools". 

For these reasons, school principals are invited to promptly report episodes of violence against school staff within schools to the competent Regional School Office. The Usr, having evaluated the report, will forward it to the Ministry of Education and Merit, which will request the intervention of the Attorney.

Circular sent to schools

Valditara: "Stop violence in schools"