Poor hydration can increase cough in children

Dr. Alessandro Zanasi explains the link between dehydration and respiratory system: according to a study presented at the National AIST Congress, those who drink less have more chances of incurring more frequent and longer-term coughing episodes

Cold, cold and still cold. Spring is still far away and with the prolongation of the winter period our attention towards the classic "seasonal illnesses" also increases. There cough, for example, with about 9 million cases every year, it's the third cause that pushes Italians to consult their doctor[1]: around the pediatric age two out of three children have at least one cough episode each year. A valid help to our respiratory system can come from an essential element that represents a precious resource is for the planet both for the wellbeing of people and the whole organism, that is water. According to a study presented at XII National AIST Congress 2018(Italian Association of Studio Tosse) and conducted on 305 children aged between 6 and 16 years, it turned out that the 61% they do not drink enough (28% presented moderate dehydration, 33% even severe dehydration), while only the39% of children are adequately hydrated. The study also highlighted that those who drink less have more possibility of incidents of coughing more frequent and longer (about 90%), compared to those who instead hydrates in the correct way (52%).

"Drinking properly is essential for the health of our entire body: dehydration also has an impact on the airways, as demonstrated by data from the study of" A Thousand Faces of Cough ", presented at the AIST conference - said theDr. Alessandro Zanasi, expert of the Sanpellegrino Observatory and President of the Italian Association for the Study of Cough - According to the data, about two out of three children do not drink properly, either because of a reduced perception of the stimulation of thirst in childhood, and often due to the lack of a culture of proper hydration. It is therefore necessary to continue along the path already undertaken, an increasing awareness not only of children, but also of parents and teachers, so as to avoid that dehydration can also increase the risk of problems in the airways ".

With lower temperatures, our body also experiences the stimulus of thirst with less intensity and during the winter we tend to underestimate the loss of fluids to which our body is subjected through, for example, breathing or sweating: "It is therefore very important to preserve our health through proper hydration even during the winter season, in order not to incur a water deficit -Dr. Zanasi continues - In fact, our body, in response to cold, acts with a mechanism of "vasoconstriction", helping to feel less thirsty. The effects of dehydration are visible and involve the whole body: already with moderate dehydration for example, with the loss of about 2% compared to body weight, one experiences symptoms such as headache and fatigue, which can be they can associate reduced concentration, attention, short-term memory and execution of even simple tasks ".

Especially during childhood, hydration plays a fundamental role in the development of the organism: a good habit is to educate children to a "culture of proper hydration", associating, for example, the gesture of drinking water at specific moments of day. A valid help can be, for example, to make sure that your child always has a small bottle in his backpack, checking at the end of the day their consumption. “Il water needs of children depends on several factors: fromage, from health conditions, From diet, From 'physical activity carried out, but also by conditions of the external environment. It is therefore important, even during the winter season and at all ages, to remember not to wait for the stimulus of thirst, but to drink properly throughout the day. Drinking 8 glasses of water often and constantly during the day is a valid help to maintain a proper water balance ". - concludes Dr. Zanasi.

Sanpellegrino is the leading beverage company in Italy, with mineral waters, non-alcoholic aperitifs, cold drinks and teas. Its products, a synthesis of well-being, health and balance, are present in 150 Countries through branches and distributors spread across the five continents.

Sanpellegrino, as the main producer of mineral water, has always been committed to the enhancement of this primary asset for the Planet and works with responsibility and passion to guarantee a quality future for this resource. A commitment that also goes through the promotion of the importance of proper hydration: Sanpellegrino in fact supports and spreads the principles of psycho-physical well-being linked to the correct consumption of water, becoming the spokesman of "education to hydration" through a program that promotes the daily consumption of the correct amount of water, depending on the different needs and lifestyles.



Poor hydration can increase cough in children