The President Chief of Petty Officers, Graduates and Enlisted Soldiers of the Air Force visiting the 72nd Stormo of Frosinone

Yesterday the President Chief of Petty Officers, Graduates and Troops of the Air Force, 1st Lgt. Joseph Giannetti, accompanied by the presidents of the SMA and the ISV, was athe 72nd Stormo of Frosinone, as part of the fact-finding visits scheduled at the Armed Forces Bodies and Departments. After attending the presentation of the briefing of Department, presented by the Commander of the Stormo, pilot colonel Marco Boveri, President Giannetti met the staff of the various branches, ending the visit with the representatives of the Cobars. Suggestive was the moment of the traditional application of the signature on the doors of the engine compartment of the TH-500B helicopter, placed as Gate Guardian, as well as a strong emotional impact was the visit made at Department Historical Room, where the more than 60 years of the Flight School that exists in the Frosinone area are retraced with images, equipment and engine remains. 

Il President Giannetti expressed his appreciation for the work expressed by the Arma Azzurra Flight School which has been working, for decades, at the service of the country with professionalism and undisputed competence: "I wanted to get to know a unique reality in Italy in the rotary wing training sector, meeting the personnel belonging to the categories I represent. The colleagues of the Stormo manage to guarantee the achievement of all the objectives that are assigned to the School by the Higher Authorities and the motto of the Stormo, "Multum in Parvo", identifies above all the spirit that unites all the staff who, despite the general difficulties of the Armed Forces, manages, however, to express an operational output of the highest level in favor of the training of future helicopter pilots of our Armed Forces and Armed Corps of the State, as well as of foreign Armed Forces".


The assignment of President of NCOs, Graduates and Enlisted Soldiers was established in 2014 by the directive on the ordering of the Armed Forces (OD-1), with an advisory role for the Commander on matters concerning Non-Commissioned Officers, Graduates and Enlisted Soldiers, on compliance with discipline and regulations. The President Chief SGMT of the Air Force is identified among the Presidents in office of the various Departments of the FA and appointed directly by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. In addition to being the link between the Top Authority and the personnel represented, the Chief President is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Presidents who operate in the Air Force Departments and is a reference figure for interchange relations in the international arena and joint.

Il 72 ° Stormo, the only school in the rotary wing sector in Italy, is the department dependent on the Air Force Schools Command / 3rd Air Region of Bari, which trains the helicopter pilots of the Arma Azzurra, of the other Armed Forces. and State Armed Corps, as well as foreign visitors. The inter-force and interagency synergy developed in the field of training at the Frosinone Helicopter School is part of the perspective of continuous improvement of training and contextual optimization of resources.

The President Chief of Petty Officers, Graduates and Enlisted Soldiers of the Air Force visiting the 72nd Stormo of Frosinone

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