Penalties of 40 billion euros. It could happen to Italy with an infringement procedure. France behind the decision of the EU Commission?

November 21 is approaching, the date on which the European Commission will have to express itself on the Italian economic maneuver. The fears that, from that date, the phase of the infringement procedure may begin is very high also because, writes Il Giornale, the government thinks that Emmanuel's "hand" may be behind the pressure of the European Union Macron.

Today Il Messaggero published the background told by a minister of the government in office: "Macron is determined to punish Italy for shopping in our country. If we were forced to pay off the debt we could in fact be obliged to sell our family jewels, such as Eni, Enel, Fincantieri and so on. And the French appetites are well known and ancient… ”.

And then the ruthless war that France is waging against Italy on the Libya dossier is there for all to see.

The infringement procedure is a great opportunity for France to implement its plan. The European Commission has two options: open the procedure for deficit, with corrective interventions from 9 to 12 billion euros - or for debt, with interventions of 40-60 billion euros.

The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is doing everything possible to avoid the worst, "I will meet Juncker not to ask how to modulate an infringement procedure but to invite him to consider not to start it".

In an interview with Sole 24Ore, the vice president of the EU Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, has already issued the sentence against Italy. "Rome challenges the rules of Europe and the proposed maneuver slows down growth". In Brussels they are already preparing a report on the Italian debt under the Treaties. "In these years we have avoided opening a procedure against Italy because we considered the presentation of financial statements in line with the Stability Pact - continued Dombrovskis - if this condition is no longer present, opening the procedure could therefore be justified".

The French Minister of Finance, Bruno Le Maire, said he was "regretted" that Italy "did not accept the hand held by the European Commission" and asked to "show proof of responsibility" and "lucidity".

The response to "tone" of Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini was not lacking: "French, Luxemburg and Austrian people looked at their own home. Italy has a government that takes care of Italians, I say it with the utmost affection - it has, then, punctuated - do your business and let us work".

Luigi Di Maio, on the other hand, has proved to be more diplomatic in assuring that the government is working "not to obtain the procedure but without sacrificing the Italians".

Penalties of 40 billion euros. It could happen to Italy with an infringement procedure. France behind the decision of the EU Commission?