Sport: even if at home, we do not neglect the importance of proper hydration

Prof. Alessandro Zanasi of the Sanpellegrino Observatory explains why proper hydration is essential even when training at home

At a time like the present one, in which the everyday life of all Italians has changed due to the Covid-19 emergency, many people have found in physical activity not only a relief valve, but also an ally for stay fit and fight boredom.

CrossFit, Yoga and aerobic training at home (or nearby) are among the physical activities of the moment, online and direct Instagram courses come to the aid of beginners or those who want to experiment with new workouts.

“This is certainly a healthy habit - comments Dr. Alessandro Zanasi, an expert at the Sanpellegrino Observatory and professor at the University of Bologna - physical exercise promotes a good functioning of the musculoskeletal system and contributes to maintaining psychological well-being. It stimulates the immune system, improves circulation and reoxygenates the tissues helping to eliminate waste, reducing stress and anxiety, two factors that, especially in this period, are accumulating in the body. But be careful of the "do it yourself" due to the temporary lack of close supervision of coaches and instructors ".

In addition to the benefits, it is therefore also necessary to emphasize some mistakes that beginners may face: “One of the most common mistakes is to start with a workout that is too heavy compared to one's possibilities, followed by giving little space to stretching before and after the activity - continues Dr. Alessandro Zanasi - another incorrect habit is to drink water only at the end of the practice or when the thirst stimulus arrives. Instead, it is advisable to drink before, during and after physical activity without waiting to feel the need ".

When doing physical activity, a healthy hydration must therefore be associated with a correct hydration: the reintegration of liquids lost during physical effort is in fact fundamental. “Any loss of liquids must be adequately compensated, with greater caution the longer the effort and the higher the atmospheric temperature. In addition, with sweat not only liquids are lost but also mineral salts, about 1,5g per liter. - continues Dr. Zanasi - For a rapid water make-up it is good to drink waters with a low salt content because they can be assimilated in very fast times. At the end of the exercise it is recommended to drink waters with a higher fixed residue that allow the recovery of the levels of mineral salts in the body ".

Proper hydration therefore helps improve performance during training. On the contrary, even a slight dehydration (2% reduction of water in the organism) affects the psycho-physical performance of the whole organism.

Sport: even if at home, we do not neglect the importance of proper hydration