Thus the president of the Italian military union - Aeronautics, Sinibaldo Buono on the sidelines of the meeting between the parliamentarians of the Democratic Party and the major military unions: "The opening of the PD towards a law that is as close as possible to our requests and to what Constitutional Court ruled gives us hope for the future. [...]

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(Francesco Matera) The usual annual Fratelli d'Italia event, #Atreju, this year has a particularly captivating but evocative title of the ambitious programmatic aspirations of Giorgia Meloni's party: Challenge to the Stars! Among the many stellar challenges that the review aims to investigate, it was interesting to follow the comparison that took place at the "Defense and Law Enforcement" laboratory that [...]

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Thus in a press release, also approved by the Defense Staff, the President of the SIM Aeronautica Militare Sinibaldo Buono commented on the meeting held today between the Chief of Defense Staff, General Enzo Vecciarelli, and the first authorized trade union in the history of Aeronautics, also represented on the occasion by Vice President Antonino Sutera. "General Vecciarelli has [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Vittorio Feltri on Libero, focuses on some gaps that underlie the death of our carabiniere Mario Rega Cerciello, killed by 11 stab wounds by two spoiled American bullies. Feltri highlights as the first lacuna the circumstance according to which an American boy arrived in Italy with a knife - blade [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Politicians and exponents of the Italian Union of the Military Guardia di Finanza - Sim Gdf - met in Florence to participate in the Round Table on 'The importance of organizing military police forces: benefits for the worker and the community '. On the table the bill that wants to regulate [...]

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(by Andrea Pinto) Apparently the Italian Union of Military - Aeronautics does not allow itself a moment of rest. After being audited at the IV Defense Commission of the Chamber of Deputies on 2 July, yesterday he organized a Round Table entitled "Unionization of the Armed Forces", sponsored by PRP Channel which [...]

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(by Andrea Pinto) Composure and determination. This is the mantra that the SIM Aeronautica, the first syndicate in the history of the Arma Azzurra, brought as a dowry to the Defense Commission today 2 July 2019. In 40 minutes of audition - it exceeded the canonical 30 minutes - all the issues were addressed "Hot" for which [...]

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(by Andrea Pinto) The Government is struggling with so much turbulence, various NGOs scattered around the Mediterranean, an impending infringement procedure by the EU, many reforms in progress, such as the autonomy of the Regions and flat tax and then the grits to higher social impact, the issue of ILVA and Atlantia - concessionaire of Italian motorways. Meanwhile […]

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In a press release, the Italian Military Union - Aeronautica Militare provided the point of view on the SeaWatch 3 affair, which involved the personnel of the Guardia di Finanza, on the front line to defend the rule of law of Italy: "Without entering on the merits of the story that is occupying the newspapers of everything [...]

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Thus in a press release the president of the Italian Military Union - Aeronautica Militare - SIM AM, Sinibaldo Buono, represents that he is still awaiting a response from the Minister of Defense, #Trenta and from the premier #Conte: "We listened with institutional composure and pragmatic dissertation the extreme elegance shown by the Prime Minister [...]

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In a press release, the Italian Military Union - Aeronautica Militare commented on the latest developments of the “Corda” Law which, in these days, is under examination in the Chamber of Deputies. "What happened today in the classroom, on the second day of discussion of the trade union law proposal, is sensational" - underlines the [...]

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In a note the SIM Aeronautica Militare, through its president, ten. with the. Sinibaldo Buono commented on the response of the Hon. Giorgia Meloni on the now well-known story of General Marco Bertolini, candidate for the next Europeans in the ranks of the Brothers of Italy, and the military trade unionists, defined as many "Checchi Zalone looking for a permanent job". "I reflect, with [...]

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“We are ready, there are a few days left and the Italian Military Aeronautics Union - SIM AM - will open the campaign for registrations. Many phone calls and requests arrived from all over Italy to join the SIM AM, the enthusiasm increases day by day. We opened the Facebook page last March 14 and to date already [...]

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In a note, the Italian Military - Aeronautics Syndicate (SIM AM) outlined some of the programmatic lines on which it intends to immediately place the utmost attention. The next leader of the SIM AM Sinibaldo Buono highlighted the training evolution that the Armed Force is experiencing: "For a few years the Air Force has concentrated the training action of its [...]

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Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta met the military unions for the first time in the afternoon. SIM Aeronautica, SIM Marina, SIM Carabinieri, the Free Representation of the Military Union (LRM) and the Italian Union of Military Workers - (SIULM) were present. Representing the SIM AM, Lieutenant Colonel Sinibaldo Buono (next President) intervened, [...]

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Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta on 22 March at 15.00 pm meets the military unions. The invitation was particularly appreciated by the SIM who will send their representatives. Also present was the SIM AM - Italian Military Aeronautica Militare Union, whose statute was approved by the Trenta on 8 March last. The Aeronautical SIM [...]

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The Air Force is also in the Italian Military Union (SIM). The statute was approved by Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta on 8 March. As the Statute mentions, SIM AM will represent, promote, look after and protect the moral, economic, regulatory, legal, professional, social security interests in every location - trade union, social, historical, judicial and administrative - interests [...]

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