Theory-Practice of Disasters, Chinese invasion in Africa and nobody talks about it


(by Maurizio Giannotti) Since the early years of the new millennium, peoples and countries of this planet have been hit by crises of all kinds that are increasingly difficult to govern. These crises bring profound and radical changes which increasingly manifest themselves in a very dramatic way.

The stability achieved with no little effort after the end of World War II, which, among other things, strengthened with the end of the Cold War, seems to be really compromised. From the 50s onwards, the perception of global stability was something that was "breathed" and strengthened year after year; not without trauma still persisting in various parts of the globe, in those years a state of mind finally matured that allowed the growth of peoples and from which we all, more or less, benefited. 20-25 years ago there was still a strong will to face crises with a frank and direct confrontation between those in charge of governing things, the national and supranational authorities and above all the latter had a role and a decision-making weight and ability to an intervention that very few allowed themselves to ignore.

If we take into account all that is happening, the complexity and severity of the crises, their expansion at an increasing rate, it seems that all of humanity has lost the "well of the intellect" and all this perhaps depends on the fact that at the government of things there are no more people prepared as in the past, perhaps their place has been occupied by ambiguous fixers and / or maintainers unprepared, listless, courteous and increasingly profoundly dishonest.

Can this also be the cause of planetary rampant corruption?

Every day TV and newspapers inform us widely and in real time about all the events, we suffer a bombardment of news, information rapidly packaged almost always sweetened by resorting to a politically correct or biased exposure, information cooked, eaten, digested and again served up to a reader who has been feeding himself for some time by uncritically metabolizing anything.

This method was partly dormant in the immediate post-war period but which in '68 regained vigor and had a strong impulse in the school-university world with all that ensued, a culture still dominant today.

In the world there are fewer and fewer citizens still able to access news that is truly free of manipulation and this happens despite the existence today of a powerful tool such as the Internet which unfortunately, day after day, is increasingly compromised at the same pace as the massif and bad use of social media.

In this regard, it may be useful to remember what he wrote in 1995 astrophysicist Carl Sagan in his book "Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark"

"Science is much more than a set of knowledge-notions. Science is a way of thinking "

I have a sad foreboding regarding the America my children or grandchildren will live in when the United States has a service and information-based economy, when almost all manufacturing industries will be moved to other countries, when the powers that be. overtime of technology will be in the hands of a few and there will be no one to represent the public interest by dealing with problems, when people have lost the ability to plan their future; when clutching our crystal ball we avidly consult our horoscope our critical faculties will be in sharp decline and unable to distinguish between what is true and what makes us feel good, we will slip, almost without realizing it, into superstition and obscurantism ... ... .. the stoned will be even more evident in the slow decay of the substantial content of the most influential media, in the contents of 30 seconds (which are reduced to 10 or less seconds), the lowest common denominator of programming, gullible presentations on pseudoscience and superstition , but above all the celebration of ignorance. "

Carl Sagan refers to the US but the speech is well understood that it applies to everyone.

At this point it would be desirable that the citizens of the world, assuming the information as it is served up, would get used to critically analyze what is happening and the constant flow of things, the tools to do so are available and it could help a lot to mentally elaborate a general scheme in to allocate the crises we are going through, perhaps dividing them into groups that have substantial affinities.

It is an exercise that leads to the formulation of simple models that help to better understand the dynamics that trigger the crises with relative dimensions, probable interactions between them and with the possibility of hypothesizing possible developments.

It is very likely that this approach will also be useful for those who make information in good faith because it allows the immediate verification and the necessary deepening of information.

An example (one among many) useful to understand what has been asserted so far is the lack of information on what happened and is happening in Africa, a rather important topic for Italy and beyond.

In short, since the beginning of the new millennium, China has made huge investments in Africa, entire cities have been built from scratch and over the years the country has literally deported over 200 million fellow citizens, even by employing its prisons.

It turns out the information that China has as its objective the transfer to Africa of no less than 400 millions of Chinese within a few years.

At the same time, the value of China-Africa trade has shifted from the 10 billion US dollars of the early 2000 to over 220 billion of 2014 and it is estimated that the revenue of Chinese companies engaged in the continent will move from 150 to US $ 250 billion 2025.

Chinese investments in Africa concern the exploitation of mineral resources, agribusiness, etc., all activities carried out without any scruples (just look at the exploitation of the local population employed in the extraction of chromium) whose turnover should exceed the US $ 400 billion. by 2025.

International investors consider Africa perhaps the most important planetary reserve of mineral resources such as oil from Angola and Nigeria, copper in Zambia, or uranium from Tanzania, etc. and in this situation the position of Western US governments and the EU is diametrically opposed to that of China and the multinationals engaged in Africa; these states above all perceive the African continent as a powerful source of instability, migration and terrorism while China prefers to focus on business at any cost and this, perhaps, is the reason why the Chinese for not having problems, by hook or by crook. the bad ones invite the most dangerous subjects to migrate.

As the icing on the cake, during the summer just past a military base was inaugurated in Djibouti built on land whose annual rent exceeds 100 million euros and in which more than 10.000 Chinese soldiers will find accommodation, to do what is there. it is still to be understood.

Djibouti has long been military service of various nationalities, especially French, for peace-keeping operations under UN mandate, and this massive new presence is not quite understandable because trade is protected by the COMBINED MARITIME FORCES in the various multinational compilation tasks .

It is clear that China's goal is to consolidate its presence on the continent also militarily. A neocolonialism carried out with determination, in a rather rough way, without many compliments and with attitudes of despotic exploitation of the "submissive" populations.

Those who make information should ask themselves and let us know if the most important countries on the planet were aware of the implementation of this enormous strategic plan which among other things began many years ago, if the UN was aware of it and how they did it. welcomed the rulers of the countries so effectively colonized. It is very serious that there is no constant pressure from the worldwide media on the subject because the works are still in progress and we in the Mediterranean are suffering and paying the consequences.

There is no need to bother René Thom and his Catastrophe Theory to develop models that allow us to predict the explosion of certain crises, today good information is enough to perfectly understand the very serious risks we are running and that we will continue to live. in the following years.

It is for this reason that we need and must demand clear, essential, easily interpretable information, based on real facts and absolutely independent, only in this way citizens will have the indispensable right knowledge that will allow them to plan and manage their future successfully. .