Data in line with Def. Published the Report on tax and social security contributions for January-May 2023 ) compared to the same period of the previous year. This positive trend is in line [...]

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The Ministry of the Economy and Finance announces that a forthcoming regulatory provision will extend, for professionals and smaller companies carrying out activities for which the Synthetic Tax Reliability Indices (ISA) are approved, the terms for the payment of the sums resulting from the returns of income, IRAP and VAT, expiring on 30 June 2023: [...]

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This we are about to conclude is the last weekend of the year that we work for the taxman. In purely theoretical terms, in fact, next Wednesday the Italian taxpayers1 will finish paying the taxes, levies, taxes and social security contributions necessary to run schools, hospitals, transport, to pay the salaries of public employees, [...]

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If, due to the rise in electricity and gas prices, many businesses are at risk of closure, while others, “taking advantage” of this very negative economic situation, have recorded staggering turnover. This is the case of the energy companies present in Italy which, in the first 5 months of this year, saw an increase in revenues, compared to the same period of 2021, by [...]

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According to the proponents, the cashback and the receipt lottery had to give a lethal blow to the evasion or, at least, drastically reduce the one due to omitted invoicing which, in relation to the total one, has an important impact. We recall that, according to the MEF, in Italy total tax evasion would amount to 105 billion euros per year. Unfortunately, both measures were a [...]

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For the treasury this year will certainly be a Christmas with all the trimmings: under the tree, in fact, he will find a "surprise" worth 513,5 billion euros. This is the amount of tax revenue in 2021. Let me be clear: many taxpayers have not done this "present" with their hearts, but we can say that the vast majority "cost" effort, sweat and a lot [...]

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(by Marco Zacchera) Last week there was talk of FIAT (FCA) which borrows money in Italy guaranteed by the state, but pays its (few) taxes in Holland. Italians should better understand this mechanism which costs us about 6,5 billion euros a year, other than the ESM. In Europe there are in fact [...]

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Prevention and spontaneous emergence, to combat tax evasion with different means than traditional assessments. Boost to investments, to the internationalization of Italian companies and to competitiveness with specific fiscal measures. These are the key points of the new policy act of the Minister of Fiscal Policies 2018-2020 of the Economy Pier Carlo Padoan, addressed to all bodies of the financial administration, by the agency [...]

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According to what emerges from a study done by the CGIA Research Office, every Italian pays 8 euros in taxes a year. A very long list of taxes made up of additional, excise duties, taxes, surcharges, taxes, withholdings. Again according to the CGIA, the first 10 taxes are worth 421,1 billion euros and guarantee 85,3% of the total tax revenue which in [...]

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