Nicastri: Italy is the first EU country to have accepted the announcement of the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen Italy continues to make progress, but still occupies the last places in the ranking of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), the index of the European Commission which has been monitoring the development of the digital sector in EU countries since 2014. However, […]

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“The statements of the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen are of absolute gravity, they are the death of democracy”. This was declared by the MEP from the Id-Lega group, Susanna Ceccardi. During a press conference in Princeton (United States), the president of the EU Commission said: 'We will see the result of the vote in Italy, there were also [...]

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"No money to Poland until the dispute over the rule of law is resolved". This is how Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte began announcing to his Parliament that, on the occasion of the EU Council, he will formally ask the Commission to freeze the Polish PNRR until the legal dispute between Brussels and Warsaw is resolved. A statement that [...]

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(by Andrea Pinto) The G7 marks a new course: all compact against China after the uncompromising stance announced by the US president. The beginning of the challenge, which will probably mark our next few years, is the request addressed to Beijing to clarify the origin of the virus that many claim to have escaped from the Wuhan laboratory. Biden to [...]

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EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and High Representative Josep Borrell sent a jointly signed letter dated 21 April to the 27 EU heads of state and government. Attached to the letter was the report for the European Council which highlights the authoritarian turn of Beijing: "EU and [...]

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To pass the exam in Brussels, the president of the Italian Council Mario Draghi had to call the president of the EU Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen for a discussion on the Italian PNNR. After hours of negotiations between the majority forces, the Council finally shored up the plan with some indispensable pillars such as female and youth employment. [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Who would have thought, vaccines used as a strategic weapon at a global level. China distributes them for free in Africa and Latin American countries while the United States decides how, in what quantities to produce them and to whom to distribute them. The only one left behind without a "vision" is Europe, stranded within its own [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The EU Commission with the proposal of the Recovery Fund has put a total of 3.000 billion on the table of growth of the old continent: 1.100 billion made available in the next multi-year budget 2021-2027, 240 billion of the line health credit of the Mes, 200 billion in loans for small and medium-sized enterprises [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Thursday 23 April there will be another summit via videoconference between the Heads of State and Government to decide on the measures to be implemented to stem the damage to the economy, caused by Covid-19. These days the close contacts between the European chancelleries and the Sherpas of the economy continue. The [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Ursula Von der Leyen, yesterday in front of the European Parliament: “my deepest apologies to Italy for the delay in the intervention”. The parliamentarians then discussed a non-binding resolution presented by popular, socialists, liberals and greens, in which the contours of the necessary European response to the health and economic crisis are outlined. [...]

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An extraordinary plan is needed for agriculture with extra CAP resources "" Ursula von der Leyen's words on the centrality of agriculture and the food supply chain in Europe are important and cross our requests to the Commission: develop a common intervention strategy to support our food systems, prevent speculation and unfair competition, allow with [...]

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(by Admiral div. res. Nicola De Felice and Massimiliano D'Elia) The government is waiting for solutions from Europe to find the necessary funds to face the next emergency that is already on the horizon, the economic one. In the meantime, the EU Commission suspended the Fiscal Compact and the ECB bought Italian bonds worth 15 billion [...]

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On 3-4 December the celebrations in London of the 70th anniversary of NATO and tensions between the leaders of the 29 member states do not subside. US President Donald Trump no longer wants to "subsidize" Europe. Trump wants EU countries to spend at least 2024% of GDP on defense by 2 (Italy is [...]

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Yesterday the meeting of the EU Council for the appointment of the new leaders of the highest offices of the European institutions. Prime Minister Conte during the various meetings and during the works has always been anchored to the phone to discuss with his two deputies, Di Maio and Salvini and during the final press conference he said: "Not [...]

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Ursula von der Leyen, German Defense Minister, during a visit to the German troops engaged in Jordan at an anti-Isis breakfast, recalled that the war against the Islamic State is not over, "Isis has been largely defeated on the military (…) but the ability of its fighters should not be underestimated ”. Germany […]

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