A few days ago a petition was launched on the international platform Change whose objective is to overturn the priorities of the European Union, placing the person and social rights at the center of its decisions and policies, instead of financial and accounting rules. Promoters of the petition are Giuseppe De Mita and Francescomaria Tuccillo. De Mita, [...]

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Juorno.it previewed the book “Afrika. Access keys ”by Ebone Edizioni, whose author is Francescomaria Tuccillo. Soon the book, the only one of its kind, will be available for purchase in all Italian bookstores and will open to readers a beautiful window on a continent rich in resources and, among a thousand contradictions, very special [...]

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(by Francescomaria Tuccillo) On 4 March the main newspapers of the twenty-eight countries of the Union received an open letter from the President of the French Republic to the citizens of Europe. Title: For a European Renaissance. If it is true, as it is true, that "the means is the message", this unprecedented gesture represents a courageous, far-sighted and profoundly contemporary choice, where [...]

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The book Pecunia non olet (or money never stinks), which is already a best seller in Italy, tries to reconstruct in parallel the evolution of the mafia and that of the Italian defense industry, two worlds that have often come into contact because, despite the plurality of its interests, Cosa Nostra has always been aware that [...]

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Francescomaria Tuccillo, secretary general of Avocats Sans Frontères Italia (ASF), was officially received in Nairobi by Noordin Haji, who since March 2018 is the new Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) of the Republic of Kenya, a role independent from any other power of the State pursuant to art. 157 of the Kenyan Constitution, with the responsibility of prosecuting [...]

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A solution will probably soon be reached in the case of the 49 migrants stranded off the coast of Malta on the Sea Watch and Sea Eye ships. About ten countries have offered their willingness to welcome them (Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Luxembourg, Holland and Romania) only and only after the government of Malta starts [...]

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(by Emanuela Ricci) Today, speed and the search for synthesis make us more and more arid people, with less emotions. There is no more time to reflect and nourish the soul of "little things", those that really make us happy. I often decide to pull the plug. I go in search of texts and writings that can nourish the [...]

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(by Francescomaria Tuccillo) Today, on the world day of selfies so dear to our "new" rulers, I will try to explain to you how on the basis of the THEORY OF FLUIDITY the mentality and consequent political vision of Minister Salvini (and all those who think like him ) is actually already "old and dead" stuff. Let's start with the numbers of [...]

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(by Francescomaria Tuccillo) In these days of reflections and concerns about the future of Europe, I found in my virtual drawers the original version of a short essay that was hosted by the "Rivista di Studi Politici" back in 1995. The Edification of the New Europa Today I propose the full text, in the same magazine that published it for over twenty years [...]

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(by Francescomaria Tuccillo) Italy in June will have to play its role in Europe. If the sun shines again on the Pacific, then "night" should fall on the Mediterranean. In this new context, and in the absence of projects in a society characterized by this "neo-medieval egoism": - the Mediterranean peoples should remain out of the [...]

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(by Francescomaria Tuccillo) Never as in this phase of the life of our country, the President of the Republic is called to defend national unity, a prerogative constitutionally assigned to him. Looking closely at the result of the vote, and the "strategy of irresponsibility" around the formation of a new government, there is an attempt to radicalise the Lega / M5S bipolarism [...]

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